by IdroLAB



Idroexpert S.p.A. It is a Group Purchase born in 2006 and currently a leader in the domestic market in the fields: idrotermosanitaro, air conditioning, floor and wall, LED lighting, hardware, electrical and safety. Use a highly specialized logistics, with advanced information system and a structured team of specialists is at the service of Wholesalers and purchasing groups Italian.Enter into partnership with Idroexpert S.p.A. significantly reduces the cost of deploying and managing their business. Call us at our toll free number 800-678330 to get all the information on how to become our associate and benefit from all the services offered.This app provides a completely free and updated documentation.The app needs an internet connection to download documentation.Consultation of the already downloaded is offline.Below are some of the main features of the app:* Documentation Management:- 2 ways to view the documentation (grid or single)- Create / delete categories to group documents- Changing the display of the documentation- Edit size cover documentation- Support* Internal functions when viewing a document:- index- Preview thumbnails of pages in the document- Search text in the document- Display only text on the page / and the document youre viewing- Create / delete bookmarks (bookmarks)- Auto flip (allows you to browse the document automatically)-Added Feature Landing Page. Now the articles contained in the catalogs are "linked" to the service landing page.